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DROPS Forum - Aberdeen 25th February 2016

DROPS UK Forum Minutes
Urban Village Hotel, Aberdeen

The meeting was opened by Greg and a safety brief was delivered. Round the room introductions followed.


Since last Forum, we are delighted to welcome the following new DROPS members:
Safeway Rope Access & Technology - China
Northern Offshore - USA
Standard Arabia Inspection - Saudi Arabia

Since last Forum, the following members have withdrawn from DROPS:
Aberdeen Egypt Service Company - Egypt
Addax Petroleum Ltd - Switzerland
DJ Global Inspection Services Ltd - UK
DNO Oman Limited - Oman
DOM Group - Norway
Grup Servicii Petroliere SA - Brazil
Magnum Transcontinental Corporation - USA
Noble Drilling UK
Oilfield Integrity Management - UK
Queiroz Galvão Óleo e Gás - Brazil
Radiant Neon & Design Pte Ltd - Singapore
Shenzhen Firstrank - China
Snap-on Industrial - UK
SPS Sindbad Petroleum Services - Egypt
Triumph Drilling (Singapore) Pte - Singapore
Vinde TT AS - Norway

DROPS Global Steering Committee

Our Steering Committee met on February 1st where we formally welcomed Diamond Offshore to the committee and also had Centrica in attendance as they consider committee membership.

DROPS International

Our DROPS Asia Chapter are presently looking into a Forum in Brisbane, Australia later in the year (details to follow). 
DROPS North America will meet next month as a new Operator-led regional committee reinvigorates the campaign from Houston, with support from DROPS Global.
A DROPS Middle East Forum will be held at the “H” hotel in Dubai, UAE on Monday March 21st. Registration via and further details on website
We are seeking support from our Norwegian members for a venue for a Stavanger Forum in August or September.  If you can assist, please contact
Details of all upcoming international events are posted at

DROPS Training

Since last forum, UK DROPS Train-the-Trainer sessions have been held at Silverdot’s offices and training was also held last month in Denmark. Upcoming scheduled UK dates are posted on website.
International DROPS Train-the-Trainer is being held in Houston, USA on 16th March; Dubai, UAE on 22nd March; Muscat, Oman on 28th March; and Manama, Bahrain on 30th March.
The DROPS Train-the-Trainer programme has evolved and developed considerably over recent years into a far more comprehensive training package and resource. If it has been some time since your training was undertaken, we encourage you to consider a refresher. 
See Training section of for details of all scheduled training and for queries, further details and registration for DROPS Training, contact

Next Aberdeen DROPS Forums

Our next Aberdeen DROPS Forum will be on Thursday 28th April and thereafter on Thursday 22nd September and Thursday 1st December. These Aberdeen Forums will be held in the Urban Village Hotel.

DROPS Focus Groups

The Reliable Securing Focus Group has been established for 2016 and they held their first meeting this week. Thanks to all who submitted feedback, comments and suggestions.
We welcome suggestions for any “quick hit” improvements, products or communications – send details to

DROPS Products

Our DROPS campaign pack updates have now been prepared and are currently being issued to all members and pack subscribers.  Those present had opportunity to collect their member pack updates.  The update has a USB bearing ALL DROPS products in a structured depository, including all the presentations, products, translations, alerts and communications from 2015.
With thanks to Shell, we are pleased to offer members the all new DROPS Rogues Gallery, now designed as an animated presentation but still bearing REAL dropped objects.  The full presentation played in the background during coffee break. The Rogues Gallery is included in the Campaign Pack update USB and Members are encouraged to share this at safety events, workshops, share fairs and other awareness opportunities.
We are delighted to include a copy of Technip’s dropped object awareness movie in our campaign pack updates for members. It was extremely well received a year ago when we first saw it and was again showed later in proceedings. Technip were thanked for sharing this valuable resort with members.
New DROPS promotional banners were shown and members were offered these for use at their own awareness or promotional events. Contact to arrange.

Presenters and Presentations

Greg thanked the day’s Presenters for their time and effort and reminded all to contact to nominate or request a presentation or table-top demonstration for consideration at a future DROPS event.
Delegates were asked to continue to share alerts and lessons learned via and an appeal was made for members to consider presenting findings from their incidents and lessons learned at future forums.

HSE Update – Donald Dobson, HSE

Donald presented and analysed the statistics of reported dropped objects for UKCS (Wells) through 2015 and with particular focus on the period from December 2015 to February 2016.
Analysis showed that among the 2015 incidents on the rig floor were 16 dropped objects within Derrick and Well Operations, including a spanner (0.3kg) that detached from the lanyard and fell 64m to pipe deck.  There was one further incident reported for 2016 - a piece of iron (7.75kg) that fell 20m and struck an IP’s hard hat.
The statistics from Crane and Lifting operations showed 17 incidents recorded for 2015, including a 3.6kg inspection hatch that fell 7.6m from a crane air intake. There were 3 further incidents in this category for 2016 including a 14kg steel section caught by a tag line, falling 5.4m to level below.
There were over 30 other dropped objects incidents in 2015 that did not fall into a defined category and these included: redundant vent pipe cowling (1.8kg) falling 10-15m to cellar deck in high winds; fibreglass cover (7kg) detached by wind to fall 6.8m to walkway.  Already for 2016, there have been  There were 7 incidents in this undefined category, including: steel cladding (7kg) falling 5.5m; 9 scaffold boards (18kg each) dislodged during high winds and falling between 3m and 11m.
Further analysis was presented of the Dropped Objects statistics by Age of Platform, MoDU, Flotel, and FPSOs. Donald’s full presentation is available to download here.

Hand Arm Vibration Monitoring System – Jacqui McLaughlin, Reactec
In conjunction with First Integrated, Jacqui presented an interesting overview on hand and arm vibration, covering risks, exposure limits, legislative requirements and monitoring, before focusing on Reactec’s HAVmeter and HAVwear products.  Jacqui explained how the vibration data is gathered and presented and how preset threshold limits activate alarms etc. Turning to the potential dropped object hazard presented by the products’ use at height, Jacqui demonstrated how the latest wrist-worn HAVwear monitor eliminates the drop risk associated with the previous tool-mounted HAVmeter. Jacqui invited member feedback and comment on her presentation and Reactec’s products. Her contact details are provided at the end of Reactec’s presentation which is available to download here.

Tubular Handling Inspection Findings – Stewart Gillies, ADC

Stewart shared the methodology and scenarios that ADC use for carrying out a tubular handling survey and presented key observations found during recent surveys. During documentation review, substandard, inaccurate and conflicting documentation was found, including many ommissions; overly complex management systems, outdated and impractical procedures and checklists. Visual inspection findings were shown and Stewart discussed certain examples in detail, including inspection of Finger boards (with reference to a fatal incident). ADC highlighted the potential for this type of incident (and others) to occur on several sites during their recent inspections. ADC shared lessons learned during dolly operations and discussed how the assessment of crew competence is important to correcting inspection and competency gaps their surveys have highlighted. Feedback from delegates suggested that many of the failings have become more prevalent with rise in automated rigs. The ADC presentation is available to download here.

Focus Groups – Greg Reid, DROPS

2015 Focus Group Updates
Greg summarised the 2015 Focus Groups and advised delegates to expect updates from each at the Aberdeen Forum in April.

2016 Focus Group Updates
DORIS – Greg advised that a DORIS Focus Group would be established later this year to respond to the challenges of advancing the Dropped Object Statistical Database.
Reliable Securing – Greg noted that the group met recently and owners have been established to review each individual section of the booklet, which will remain high level guidance and will avoid product names where possible.  All updates suggested at last forum were discussed and will be  included in the review.  Suggestions for input or change can still be sent through your DROPS Focal Points to
As part of the 2016 review process, our current suite of Best Practices will also be updated. Please submit any suggestions or comments on these to
Further details are available in the Focus Group Update presentation which is available to download here.

TOFS Campaign – Colin Esslemont, Centrica

Colin presented the Wells initiative undertaken by Centrica after a high number of dropped object incidents – over 240 since 2009, and 50 of those were classed as HiPo’s.  Colin shared the observations made and lessons learned by Centrica, including many examples. Interestingly, Centrica identified a high frequency of incidents associated with outbound cargo, as opposed to the traditionally observed spikes associated with backloading. Colin went on to describe how a Time Out For Safety was held at all sites to discuss, understand what was going on and to feed back.  This helped Centrica develop and deliver a highly focused dropped object awareness campaign.  The initiative employed many of the standard DROPS products and tools and has been instrumental in delivering great success and much improved performance. The Centrica presentation is available to download here.

Any Other Business

There was no further business. Greg thanked everyone for their participation and closed the Forum.

Next meeting

Date:     Thursday 28 April 2016
Time:     0930 -1200
Venue:  Urban Village Hotel, Aberdeen
Host:     DROPS Global Steering Committee Members