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DROPS FORUM - Stavanger, 1st June 2012

Vidar Ripman of Statoil opened the Forum and gave a Safety Brief and introductions were made. 

DROPS Update – Greg Reid, DROPS Global
MEMBERSHIP: Greg welcomed the following new DROPS members:

DROPS INTERNATIONAL : The inaugural South American DROPS Forum was held last month in Rio. Kindly sponsored by Axess, the event was a huge success with a large, passionate and interactive attendance. The minutes are available to view in this section of the website. 

In DROPS Asia, Joachim van der Muelen has returned to his role as Secretary and the Chapter are presently restructuring their steering committee. A DROPS Asia Forum is being held Singapore on June 27th - you can register to attend at

DROSP Asia Chapter is also being represented at a Safety Forum in Brisbane, Australia and we anticipate more DROPS events in the region over the coming months. 

A Middle East Drops Forum (kindly sponsored by PDO) is tentatively planned for October 15th in Muscat, Oman. Discussions are also underway for a potential Forum in Egypt in Q4. 

DROPS TRAINING : Since last forum, DROPS Training and Awareness has been undertaken in Ghana and Brazil with several sessions in UK. Training is planned for Angola, Mozambique and Ghana over the next few months. 

DROPS Train-the-Trainer sessions will continue to be hosted in UK regularly through 2012 – see this website for details. 

2012 DROPS FORUMS : Forthcoming North Sea Forums will be held on: 
- Thursday 6 September at Marcliffe Hotel, Aberdeen 
- Thursday 4 October at Sprowston Manor Hotel, Norwich (Training is available post Forum) 
- Thursday 6 December at Marcliffe Hotel, Aberdeen 

INDUSTRY EXCHANGES : DROPS presented an update to the All Members meeting of the Marine Safety Forum in Aberdeen at end of May. 

DROPS BACKROOM : Greg gave an overview of the DROPS Backroom role and the typical enquiries / issues that are raised and addressed on a day-to-day basis. 

FOCUS GROUPS : Greg advised that the 2012 Focus Groups met last month in Aberdeen to kick-off activities and they will look at three key areas - Behavioural Safety, Dynamic DROPS and Reliable Securing Document Update. Several attendees expressed interest in playing an active role in the Behavioural Safety Focus Group. They (and any others wishing to be involved) were advised to email DROPS Secretary noting interest.

It was also noted that there will be a number of “Quick Hits” throughout the year, including a fresh DROPS poster campaign and all were invited to submit any ideas to DROPS Admin 

Greg also explained that the DORIS Focus Group would continue its efforts. Thanks were extended to all who have added data to DORIS database – and some interesting trends were shown and discussed. Greg asked for all to consider submitting their data into DORIS and advised that usernames and passcodes are available from DROPS DORIS Admin

Introduction – Vidar Ripman, Statoil
Vidar showed Statoil’s dropped object statistics and trends over a 10 year period. He highlighted that even with all the good work and knowledge that we now have available, there has been no significant reduction in the frequency of dropped objects (although their potential severity had seen a decline, ie fewer HiPos). 

Discussions ensued with Vidar and others attributing the situation to a failure to address poor attitudes (behaviours). Consensus was that a lot of great work has been done on procedures and systems but we need to focus on behaviours to make a real difference. Vidar recognised and applauded the DROPS “Behavioural Safety” Focus Group and noted that Statoil would like to play a role in this Group. 
Follow this link to download the presentation 

Petroleum Safety Authority Update – Jan Kjetil Moberg
Jan provided background information on the PSA and explained what their remit is. As the regulatory authority for technical and operational safety, and for the working environment, they look at all incidents/accidents (including dropped objects) in the Norwegian sector. Regular reports and statistics are prepared by PSA and these are available on the PSA Website 
Jan demonstrated one such report where incidents were broken down into work tasks, eg lifting, cranes etc and a further report of statistics from 2005-2010 broken down by location type, eg floating installations, fixed installations etc. Summing up, Jan concluded that the Norwegian Sector had seen some improvements in overall terms but not for drilling related working processes. There are still a high number of dropped objects proving to be a challenge. We need to maintain the focus on dropped object prevention as we still have incidents that are harming personnel. 
Follow this link to download the presentation 

Best Practice Dropped Object Management Rev 03 – Hugo Halvorsen, SfS
Hugo explained the role of SfS (Together for Safety) and gave a brief history. Further details are available at the SfS Website. Hugo presented a draft of the new version of their Handbook on Dropped Object Management. This document was originally published by Statoil and is a fore-runner of the DROPS Reliable Securing booklet. Hugo noted that there were several key changes to the document with much new and improved content and pictures. Final review of the document was imminent with print scheduled later this month. Greg commented that the DROPS Reliable Securing Update Focus Group were intent on reviewing the new SfS document to capture relevant changes in the update of the DROPS document. Hugo encouraged this and revealed that tens of thousands of the previous revision had been distributed. Any requests for large quantities of the new revision should be submitted soonest to Post or EW_SfS
Follow this link to download the presentation

Handheld Inspection System - Roger Bjorkli, Firstline
Roger briefly described Firstline’s business and their handheld inspection system. Attendees were invited to visit Firstline’s demonstration stand during coffee break. For further details, visit 

Recent Incidents – Jan Olav Farstad, Statoil
Jan presented lessons learned from several dropped object incidents within Statoil, reviewing the causes and recommended remedial actions for each. In the first incident, a 1.5kg clamp fell 19m (a potential fatality on the DROPS calculator). Investigations showed that the clamp had been incorrectly installed. A second very similar incident was then shown. Recommend actions from these incidents are that all clamps on DDM hoses are checked. In a third incident, a 16.7kg Warning Light fell from its original securing point 13m above the A Frame. This failure was attributed to an undersized mounting and poor design. A recommended action was raised to include the light’s securing mount in any future inspections. Jan’s final incident was a 27kg valve falling 1.6m. The cause was a locking washer that was not activated when the valve was originally assembled. The lesson learned was to check all similar valves to ensure their locking washers are activated, and to use the manufacturer’s instructions when assembling new products. 
Follow this link to download the presentation 

Key Learnings from Recent Inspections – Klaus Myklebust, DOM
Klaus highlighted key learnings from recent inspections undertaken on behalf of Norske Shell A/S. These highlighted examples of improper selection of securing devices/methods, poor housekeeping etc, and the corrective actions taken to rectify these findings. Klaus noted several recurring issues and problems around bolted connections, two-part shackles, galvanic corrosion, locally modified equipment etc. DOM Group continue to witness these problems across the full supply chain. Klaus opened a discussion among the Forum – Should Reliable Securing be Optional or Mandatory? Pro-active or Re-active? In closing, Klaus stressed that more effort was needed to communicate best practice to all in the full supply chain. 
Follow this link to download the presentation 

Talisman StopDrop Programme – Egil Bokn, Talisman
Egil presented an update on Talisman’s Stop Drop programme that has been running for several years (2007 to date). Talisman witnessed a dramatic performance improvement at the start of the programme but this has now plateaued. So far in 2012, 186 pro-active observations have been recorded. Egil also presented details (cause and remedial action) of several recent incidents and analysis of the overall statistics and trends in Talisman. Once again, poor Behaviours emerged as the most frequent cause. Talisman are once again ramping up the focus and energy of their StopDrop campaign and they have a series of promotions and workforce incentives planned for the months ahead. Egil concluded with a short preview of GoHomeSafe’s animated DVD production “Tools at Height”, noting that this forms part of the induction for all Talisman new-starts (see for more details). 
Follow this link to download the presentation

Open Floor and Any Other Business
Greg invited all attendees to offer any issues for further discussion and thanked Vidar and Statoil for hosting the event. 

Next European Forums (see Events section on website for Asia / USA / Middle East events): 

Thursday 6 September 2012 
Time: 0945 - 1300 
Venue: Marcliffe Hotel, Aberdeen 
Host: DROPS Steering Committee Members 

Thursday 4 October 2012 
Time: 0930 - 1200 
Venue: Sprowston Manor Hotel, Norwich 
Sponsor: DSL